banniere enfant

Regards sur le monde
Véronique Magnin

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Regards sur le monde
Véronique Magnin

banniere enfant



I became fascinated by photography when I was 18 years old and living in the States. There, I specialized in B&W photography and learned about the different techniques of developing in the darkroom. Those were the days of film photography ! Ansel Adams was my inspiration for landscape photography and Dorothea Lange for street photography denouncing misery and injustice.

Since then, I have practiced photography continuously while managing my career at the United Nations in Geneva where I have been a committee member of the International Photo Club.

My primary interest is to go out to meet people in their natural and daily environment. I am curious by nature and sensitive to the difficult living conditions of many of my contemporaries, especially women which I want to make better known. So far I have used Rolleicord, Leica R7, Sony and Nikon DF.